
Unlike a standard HTML <form>, the Form component does not update the page props when the user submits the form. Instead, the useFormSubmit hook should be used to consume any pending or response data.

If you wish to have the same behavior between <form> and <Form> (update the page on submit), then you can wrap your Next.js app component with our provider.

note: Using the hook is the recommended approach to update the page props. The whole purpose of this provider, is to force a full page update on state change. That might not be what you want.

When including our provider, the pages will initially render with GET data. Which is Next.js default behavior. Once the form is submitted, the handler result data is provided to the page component.

note: This provider is not needed when returning a `redirect` from mutation handlers. It's only needed when returning `json`, and you need to have that data in the page props.

Enough warnings, here are the implementation examples.

Example without custom app component

Add the following code to /pages/_app.js

import { withNextRuntime } from 'next-runtime/app';
export default withNextRuntime();

Example with custom app component

Provide your App component as argument, if you're already using a custom one:

import { withNextRuntime } from 'next-runtime/app';

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return <Component {...pageProps} />;

export default withNextRuntime(MyApp);